Here are some photos of Dupont Street. I took them on Monday, in a bit of a hurry, because I was on my way to meet somebody and also my hands were cold. They are completely unedited, therefore crappy. But you get the idea.
The defunct Coffee Time (St George and Dupont). No word yet on who is moving into the space.
Martino's Pizza, new kid on the block; and People's Food Restaurant, a neighbourhood institution - I think it's been there for at least 20 years, if not longer. Martino's opened in January; between May 2001 and January 2004, it was completely deserted.
The laundromat and a dentist's office. Those are Queen Anne Style houses behind those ugly facades.
The Pour House, an Irish pub. This building stood empty for nearly two years.
The new LCBO (Liquor Control Board of Ontario) store. Yes, that's a panhandler outside. Every so often, the LCBO people shoo him away. He tells me I have a nice smile, but I think he says that to all the girls.
The corner of Dupont and Spadina. These stores and restaurants have been here since before I moved to the neighbourhood. I think it's safe to assume that People's Bar and Eatery is trading on the name of the famous hamburger joint further up the street; possible intellectual property issues there. That glass bubble thing across the street is the north entrance to the Dupont subway station.